Action taken to solve a mysterious situation or quite complicated task, all praises go to the thinking capacity of a human mind when it comes to taking a decision, prompt or well thought of. Did someone try to understand how come a person is able to resolve a particular problem with simplicity? The real question is not How but Why did the person chose a particular method and reached solutions? Was it actually right or it was predefined as wrong? Let’s try to find out, the basic behavior of the human brain.
The human brain always analyzes the situation and looks for incidents or knowledge it gained throughout its lifetime, based on the calculation it reacts to find a solution to the current situation. Now that knowledge could be bookish or the lessons learned from the group of friends. That’s why our ancestors used to say, “Please pick a good society to become a wise person.” As a child, we all start analyzing the surroundings and the emotions of people around us, which gives a foundation stone for our thought process.
The environment develops a personality within, that is stored by our subconscious mind. An individual’s resistance to gain knowledge at times looks for an option to put the other person into the wrong category. Now, whatever happens around and matches the selection criteria, gets into the brain. Let’s say, for example, the audience watching a movie, with a different mindset, every individual will pick up a character that resembles their role model and start enacting the same. Nothing wrong in it, until it’s going according to the norm’s set up by the society we are living in approves it. Going nude in public might be a sense of proudness in some countries but others might put you behind the bars. Killing animals for fun may earn you souvenirs at a particular location but it might lead to the death sentence in another. Eating non-vegetarian food might be looked down upon in some places but in some places, it might be the only source of food. Drinking alcohol might be prohibited in some society but that could be the only way to survive in other.
So what may be right for a person may be wrong for others and that is what we define as the difference of opinion, please do not relate this to studies or knowledge imparting institution, because that is where a single book is taught to every individual and the answers are supposed to be exactly the same. I have seen in group discussions people raise their voice to prove their points, acceptance only comes from the group when they are able to relate the instances, that when the nod in the consent. People have strong references to prove their point of view and endless examples to prove the truth behind their philosophy.
Now let’s talk about the broken relationship, someone got cheated, abandoned, being over possessed by their partners. If you closely monitor the reaction, it would definitely relate to the emotional and behavioral issues that a person might have faced in the past and now just imitating the same. It’s our duty to understand the person and rely accordingly upon it. This reminds me of a very common mistake of jumping into a relationship and get ruined emotionally, rather giving time to each other and matching the vibes would have done magics. I have seen people cribbing about a relationship that did not work for more than a month or few years but did they actually tried to understand the other person or was it just blind love kept away the real facts. I would strongly disapprove the statement, if someone says, they could have never assumed it would happen. Try to find the real personality thereafter fall for each other, thereafter you would never say, I fell for a wrong person. Message to the youth: “My friend the person is never wrong, they have been the same always, but you made a mistake by choosing them, so choose wisely.”
Another Little Thing is nothing is wrong or right as a personal opinion of an individual, as it never a person own thought but the outcome of society protocols, that has shaped up a personality within. So, if you are been stopped or pointed out for your acts, simply means, you do not belong to that group, start adapting to resolve the conflict or simply look for the people with the same attitude.