
Best Secret to Success


Secret to Success:- Why would you want an approval from your peers for the implementation of your idea? Have faith, believe in yourself, put the best foot forward and release all the negativity out. Take a deep breath and whisper to yourself” I know I can accomplish it”, thereafter there is no looking back. Face whatever comes your way, but do not take a hit on your confidence. There would be a lot of people who do not want to support your dream, with no reason. Stay away from such mentality, well said by a great mind” when you want to fly high, release all that weighs and brings you down.”

Complicated it may seem to be self-dependent but once achieved will boost your poise forever. Definitely, situations would occur wherein you would feel stuck, it might seem impossible to overcome the obstacle. Just ask one single question to your soul, “why did you start it in the first place?”, “What made you select it?”, “Was it merely for showoff to achieve it or really wanted to do it.” If you wanted to flaunt your achievement, then remember, ‘no reaction’ from the onlooker will make your triumph tasteless. Expecting the world to follow your footprints would bring in a devastating mindset. Be sure to make a mark in life for inner happiness.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, so your dreams. Acceptance of your shortcomings, zeal to learn more would make you a winner. Be like a seed, when buried deep down, creeps out of the earth and becomes a beautiful plant. As many times as you are bogged down with failures, don’t count the attempts you made, instead the milestones you achieved for the final goal. Your success is just like a tip of an iceberg, the hard work, number of hours, days or years, don’t count, just the achievement. Its always better to be ‘oops’ instead of ‘what if’. Making a move may not give you immediate victory but certainly, it’s taking closer.

Do not give-up on your dreams, never ever stop the efforts, you never know how close you are. The number of efforts that has been put on, can always be counted but achieving success can never be forecasted. The success might just be one attempt away and your next move may never happen, because of lost focus. Trying hard does not gives a surety for positive outcome. Endurance plays the major part, giving your best and observing the consequences with a lot of patience would let a fighter emerge in your personality. A fighter who is ready to take up the challenges that cross the path.

Never ever compare yourself with other individuals, even if you targeted the same goal. Situations, strength, resilience power, planning, thought process can never be the same. It would be so foolish to blame yourself for competencies, abilities of every individual are different . A series of letdowns may tarnish your image for many but if you face the mirror and can answer yourself for the next move, then certainly you are a winner. Observers might force their opinion and devastate the plan of action that you decided, just remember to look in their eyes and say it aloud ‘watch me, while I achieve it’.

A ship surfs the water but never sinks until it lets the water inside. The day your mind starts accepting the negative vibes, the goal of yours would definitely become faded, unattainable. Legends have overcome bad vibes by just staying focused. Another little thing; Focus will boost your motivation, keep the eyes on the goal and the pleasure you going to feel after kissing the success, will keep you enthralled. Consistency, never-give-up attitude, focus, determination, accepting failures to learn from mistakes, makes a character which knows the difference between guided path and self-reliant goal. The blunder is not discovering inner capabilities rather the biggest weakness is not pushing self to the limits, its an outcome of fear. Fear of failures, the reputation amongst observers, those sarcastic smiles, sarcasm and the worst of all, sense of insecurity.

Well said “We live once” but interpreted wrongly, so, a great mind floated an amazing thought stating “We die once but live every day”. Living does not mean breathing, it’s a continuous effort to be original not a carbon copy. Guys do not ever look for motivation outside, every individual that you meet has their own story to tell, their judgement for every facet. No two minds are similar, neither the potential. Stop committing the grave mistake of not following your instincts.

Never forget and be ready to pay the price for your achievements too. Do not ever expect others to face the thunderstorms for you. Be watchful of the excuses that you make to convince your soul for the efforts that you never made. The whirlpool of thoughts will definitely lead to numbness in the future. The bitter truth, situation would never be under control, would never be according to expectations, would never be favorable. The people who made a mark in the history were different from the rest. They followed discipline and rules to train their minds, to accept the the new challenges, unforeseen circumstance. Discover your latent talent, nourish it well. Prove your worth to the world, let your significant madness, inspire many.

We all gotta die one day, the worst would be while thumping the last heartbeat and breathing the last, regretting of not putting in the hundred percent. The fact remains the same, no one is aware of his last moment. So, dream of the best, pull up your socks, chase the goal with full reverie, relax once you have achieved it. Keep fueling the fire within, until your success screams for you.

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